Garage and Patio Cover Project Update and Dealing with Those Pesky Mosquitoes

Patio Remodel
We are about to wrap up the exterior portion of our garage and patio cover project. The roof is on, the brick is being laid and the final trim details on the patio cover are being completed. Exterior paint and finishing the inside are all that is left. The inside of the garage was insulated today. The walls and ceiling will be paneled with OSB sheathing and then painted bright white. The floor will be painted with grey two-part epoxy paint and rubber flakes. This is going to be a great looking garage!

If you are thinking of painting your garage floor, this is a great product as long as you follow the directions very carefully…

With the ceiling material on the patio cover, you can see we vaulted the ceiling to give a bigger feel and a great look.

Garage and Patio Remodel

Those Pesky Mosquitoes
We keep being reminded to protect ourselves from mosquitoes, and I hope you are listening! I know of three people who have been infected by mosquitoes this summer. This is bad stuff—don’t mess around. Please protect yourself and your family.

Here are some tips to keep mosquitoes off you:

  • Eliminate standing water
  • In areas that stay damp, like under decks and in flower beds, spray a bug control agent like Follow the directions and be sure to set yourself a reminder for follow up treatments
  • Use a bug spray with DEET in it. This is hands down the best repellent for mosquitoes
  • Use floor and ceiling fans on your porches to keep the air moving across you

Stay cool; be safe; fall will be here before we know it!


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