It’s that time again; time for the annual Trinity River “Trash Bash!”
For the last 24 years, Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) has hosted an annual Fall “Trash Bash” to help clean up trash and debris that accumulates along the Trinity River throughout Fort Worth. During this great community event, families, friends and organizational groups volunteer to clean up the river banks in various locations.
This year, there are 9 locations, including:
1. Crystelle Waggoner Trailhead
2. White Settlement Road Trailhead
3. Cold Springs Trailhead/Cowtown Wakepark
4. Fourth Street Trailhead
5. Hope Church
6. River Bend
7. Shannon’s Point
8. Coyote Drive-In
9. Cobb Park
All groups, families and individuals are welcome to volunteer; just check out TRWD’s website (listed below), choose an assignment location, register, then show up ready to work on Saturday, September 19, 2015!
The event lasts from 8:30 AM until 11:00 AM. When the trash is all “bashed,” volunteers are treated to an after party with free food, door prizes and entertainment by 106.1 Kiss FM at Panther Island Pavilion from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM!
Last year, there was a whopping 4,700 volunteers that came out to help, and TRWD is hoping to “BASH” that number with even more volunteers this year!
For more information and registration, see the TRWD website.
We hope you’ll come out to be a part of the 24th annual Spring Trash Bash and help make a positive impact in our community!
Kind Regards,