Historical Home Renovation Complete

Historic Home Renovation
The addition we started in May to the historical home is complete. Eight weeks from demo to completion, and it’s a beautiful custom project from top to bottom. The porch has new patio doors coming from the dining area, new siding, sconces, stained concrete, and a metal roof with exposed framing that is painted sky blue.
Sky Blue Roof
Check out the very cool vanity Michael and Hector crafted from an antique dresser and a beautiful piece of marble the homeowner found in an antique shop. The washer and dryer and hot water heater are tucked behind louvered doors. The floor is stick-on vinyl; it looks great and is very durable.
Vanity and Laundry
Here is a peek at the next project for this home, the kitchen. We are in the design stage; cabinet installation will be in a few weeks. We will post pictures when it is complete.
Kitchen Plan
Take care,

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