Love Your Home with Maintenance and Save Money, Too!

Home Maintenance Checklist

Check out the “Home Maintenance Checklist” Elizabeth is putting together for us. We are trying to make the checklist as comprehensive as possible without being overwhelming. The checklist is designed for you to systematically check and maintain the various components of your home.

The list is long, and without a checklist, it’s no wonder you occasionally miss something that’s not working properly and it ends up costing you a big-money repair. A run through on this checklist two to four times a year will keep you on top of your home’s maintenance and save you a bunch of money!

We offer the service of completing the checklist on your home and giving you an evaluation. The service is free to our past clients, and nominal to new clients. Call us to schedule an appointment.

Here are a few tips to effectively manage the maintenance of your home:

  • Utilize the repeat task feature of your email calendar so you get an email to remind you to run through your home maintenance checklist
  • Project future projects and the cost of them so you are prepared when the time comes. For example, how much longer will your exterior paint hold up, and how much will it cost to have it repainted?
  • If you are unsure if you have an issue with one of the maintenance items, don’t hesitate to call a professional. Most will give a free opinion and estimate

As we develop this checklist, any suggestions you may have are welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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