We recently had a new client of ours call in and schedule a pre-construction meeting with our project manager to discuss exactly what she needed to do to prepare her home for remodeling. Though this is an exciting time for most homeowners, it can be overwhelming once they truly grasp the chaos that will be their home for the next few months! While half of the battle is choosing the right contractor and knowing what you want in your renovation, a big part of having an easy and positive experience is based on the preparation leading up to the remodel. Here are 5 ways you can prepare for your upcoming home remodeling project:
1. Clean and declutter. You will need to completely empty out the area to be remodeled. This means removing everything inside of cabinets, on shelves, and on counter tops. Make sure you are courteous of the crew and allow them plenty of space to work. If the flooring is being replaced, the furniture will need to be moved out as well. It’s a good idea to discuss with your contractor the best options for storing your furniture and belongings during the renovation. Typically the contractor will have you move all of the small stuff, and his guys will manipulate the furniture.
2. Brace yourself for the dirt. If you’ve ever seen a construction site, you probably noticed there was a lot of dust and dirt. There’s going to be a lot of extra dust in your house for the next few weeks, but resist the urge to vacuum it! There are a few things you can do to minimize the mess: setting up ZipWalls and cordoning off the remodel area are steps in the right direction. A great contractor will also help you figure out how to redirect your home’s airflow to minimize the amount of dust you encounter outside the workspace. This can also be helpful if painting or staining needs to be done inside. Be sure to change the HVAC air filter frequently during the remodel.
3. Prepare for noise. This may not be a problem if you are away at the office several hours a day, but if you do work from home, you’ll want to make sure your home office is set up as far away as possible from the construction area. Escaping the loud pounding of hammers or the buzz of a saw is not easy, and may require you to get creative or even find a temporary out-of-the-house office (Starbucks, anyone?!) Managing your expectations and taking steps to mitigate noise from the crew ahead of time will help you stay sane while still being able to utilize your space as normally as possible.
4. Expect to be faced with tough decisions. Problems will undoubtedly arise when walls come down and you are able to see something you couldn’t see before. This could mean changes in the design as a result of unexpected circumstances, such as electrical or plumbing issues. While good planning will help keep these problems to a minimum, it’s still likely that some unplanned problems will occur. Knowing exactly what you want before the project begins helps these decisions happen faster and prevents delays on your end, helping to keep costs down and the schedule on track.
5. Remember to Communicate. The most important thing to do leading into a remodel is to communicate with your contractor. Most contractors will tell you that the key to a successful remodel where all parties leave happy is good communication between the clients and the remodelers. If you have any questions, ask! Don’t be shy or hesitant. The more at ease you feel with the process, the more you’ll be able to trust your contractor, minimizing tension and stress.
Although home remodeling is timely and a somewhat inconvenient process, a positive approach and thorough preparation can make it much less difficult. Keep these tips (and of course, the vision of your beautifully remodeled home!) at the front of your mind, and the project will be complete before you know it!
As always, you can contact us with any further questions about the home remodeling process or how to get prepared.
Kind Regards,